Highlight the high profit menu items – make them very visible and attractive
Research shows that most guests start to read a menu from the top right section. This is the right area to place those high profit items
Using bold type, framing elements, and different colors helps to focus guests on the high profit items
Items that are in the higher cost category, consider removing them or have them as a LTO with something special that will allow you to increase the price overall but give the customer more value
Provide Suppliers the opportunity to advertise their products or brands on your menu in exchange for free goods or a charge. This could offset the cost of printing your menus
Use supplier marketing departments to assist in the creation of your menu
Consider a contest for customers – identify specific proteins or entrees that are readily available and not on the high end of the spectrum – let your customers help develop a recipe of the week - increases revenue and drives profit on lower cost items
Utilize digital options to replace printed menus
Provides more ‘real-time” flexibility in menu pricing, special offers and the ability to change of cuts of meat, species of fish, etc. to take advantage of market price changes
QR Code menus will save large printing costs for new menus